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The Best Doodles for Allergies

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There has never been a better time to own a dog! That goes especially for people who suffer from pet-related allergies. In the past, mothers and fathers often had to suffer from sneezing and itching, always with a tissue box nearby, for the kids to have the dog they loved.

Now, however, there are a ton of different hypoallergenic dogs to choose from. You can get a dog that won’t trigger allergies and will still give you the companionship and lasting memories you crave.

Goldendoodles and other doodles are more popular than ever. These dogs are popular breeds like golden retrievers, labradors, and other amazing dogs that, unfortunately, shed, mixed with poodles with tight coats that stay on.

What you get is the personality, loyalty, and fun-loving nature of these other breeds with the smarts and hypoallergenic traits of poodles.

If you’re interested in doodles because you have dog allergies, we’ve put together a list of nine of the best doodles out there. Let’s explore some of the different types of dogs available and what you can expect.

Cute golden doodle puppy

The Goldendoodle

If you’ve ever met a golden retriever, then you know that this is one of the most intelligent, loyal, and loving dogs out there. They are amazing around kids and will be an amazing companion for years.

Golden retrievers shed a lot though, and people with golden retrievers in the home have to deal with blankets on couches, cars, and clothes covered in fur, and dust bunnies in every corner of the house.

Enter the Goldendoodle, and you get the amazing personality of a retriever without all of the loose hair. There are different types of Goldendoodles including:

F1 Goldendoodles

F1 stands for “first generation”. It’s a purebred cross between a golden retriever and a poodle. Both dogs come from purebred pedigrees ensuring that this is the purest form of Goldendoodle possible.

One thing to note, however, is that genetics can be funny. Not every mix of a purebred poodle and a purebred golden is going to come out in a 50-50 split in their offspring. That means if there is more of the golden retriever in the puppy, they may shed.

They won’t shed as much as a normal golden retriever, but they may not be completely non-shedding. Something to note for people with allergies as the main concern.

F1b Goldendoodles

The F1b Goldendoodle is what you get when you mix a first-generation Goldendoodle (an F1) with a poodle. A lot of breeders do this to make sure there is a higher percentage of poodle in the puppies and limit the hair shedding and dander.

You still get some of the positive traits of the golden retriever, just a smaller percentage. These dogs will typically have much curlier coats than F1 Goldendoodles.

Some people don’t love the very curly hair on dogs, but that’s sometimes what you have to do to avoid all the shedding.

F2 Goldendoodles

An F2 Goldendoodle is, as you may have guessed, a second-generation doodle. These dogs have parents that were both F1 Goldendoodles. Because these puppies come from two hybrids, they vary widely in appearance.

Some look like poodles, and some will look more like golden retrievers. They can have wavy coats or curly, and some of these dogs actually shed quite a bit.

F2b Goldendoodles

When a first-generation Goldendoodle crosses with an F1b doodle, you get an F2b Goldendoodle. These dogs generally have more poodle traits in them with a smaller chance that they’ll shed all over your sofas.

They will often have higher energy and be wirier like a poodle rather than relaxed and calm like a golden retriever. Their curly hair will require more grooming and it will keep growing longer and longer, so you’ll need to trim it often.

F3 Goldendoodles

When you start getting into the third generation of Goldendoodle and beyond, you’re dealing with what is called, “F3 Goldendoodles”.

One thing you need to be aware of here is hybrid vigor. Sometimes, as you get further down the pedigree chain, the dogs start to lose the traits they are bred for. It becomes harder to predict whether they will be non-shedding dogs or what percentage of each breed they will carry.

4 Other Doodles Great for Allergies

When it comes to doodles and allergies, the main thing is usually how much they shed. Here are four types of doodles that shed very little if you’re open to something other than a Goldendoodle.


Cute White labradoodles

Labradoodles are excellent dogs for people with allergies because they shed very little. They’re also wonderful dogs! You get all of the desirable traits of a labrador, perhaps the ultimate family dog, with the smarts and coat of a poodle.

F1b and F2 Labradoodles are the way to go here. Results vary in first-generation Labradoodles, and some of them can shed a lot.


Cute Aussiedoodle tired seating

Aussiedoodles are another terrific dog for people with allergies because they shed very little and owners report very low levels of allergies when they’re around.

Again, F1 dogs are more likely to shed than the other hybrids, so something to definitely consider before you adopt or buy.

The Schnoodle

cute schnoodle puppy dog

If you’re looking for something smaller than a Goldendoodle or a labradoodle, take a look at the Schnoodle. This is a mix between a miniature poodle and a mini schnauzer. What’s more, because neither parent dog sheds, their offspring will have virtually no shedding.

This is a dog to own for people who live in apartments, travel or want something more manageable.

Schnoodles, because of their parents, often have big personalities, so only get one if you’re up for a higher-energy dog.


Cavapoo With Puppy Dog

Cavadoodles are another smaller hypoallergenic dog. People love these dogs because their coats tend to be wavier rather than in tight curls. They look almost like a teddy bear you’d buy in a toy store. They’re amazing lapdogs and love to be around humans.

Skip this breed if everyone’s at school or work all day. They tend to have a lot of separation anxiety and won’t do well if left alone.


Finding the right dog for you, whether it’s a certain type of Goldendoodle or another hybrid, will help with allergies a great deal. You don’t have to suffer from allergies for 10-15 years just to own a dog.

Now, with so many choices of hybrid hypoallergenic dogs, you can get all of the benefits of dog ownership without the constant sneezing or red eyes.

Find a dog that fits your size and personality preferences and start making memories!
