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Can Dogs Eat Cantaloupe and Honeydew?

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Most dogs are extremely food motivated, so it is important to find treats that are not only tasty but also healthy for them. Cantaloupe and honeydew are both nutritious snacks for humans, but can dogs eat them?

Dogs can eat cantaloupe and honeydew because they are considered healthy and non-toxic to dogs. Cantaloupe and honeydew are full of important vitamins and nutrients that most dogs can benefit from. They are low in calories, but do contain some sugar, so they may not be the best option for certain dogs.

 Dog Runs Toward The Camera

All dog owners should take certain precautions when feeding any treat, including cantaloupe and honeydew, to their dogs. It is important to learn more about how cantaloupe and honeydew can affect dogs and how to properly prepare them as treats for your dog.

Is Cantaloupe Healthy for Dogs?

Cantaloupe is considered to be a very healthy treat option for most dogs. It is low in calories, containing a little over 25 calories in half a cup.

It is full of vital nutrients including vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron. Cantaloupe is also packed full of water, which makes up around 90 percent of the fruit so it’s great for hydration.

Is Honeydew Healthy for Dogs?

Honeydew melon is just as healthy for dogs as cantaloupe! The calorie count is relatively the same and it contains a lot of the same nutrients like vitamin C, iron, and potassium.

The low calories contained in honeydew make it a great treat option for dogs because it will not contribute to weight gain. Dogs will think they are getting a tasty, sweet treat but really it is far more healthy for them than processed human foods!

How Much Cantaloupe and Honeydew Should Dogs Eat?

Cantaloupe and honeydew are both types of naturally occurring melons that have no additives, so they are far healthier for dogs than processed table foods. While their outside rinds are tough, their fleshy interiors are soft and easy for adult dogs to chew.

All dog treats, even healthy fruits like honeydew melons and cantaloupe should be fed only in moderation. A few small cubes per day is more than enough for an adult dog.

Cantaloupe and honeydew treats should never interfere with or replace any food in a dog’s normal daily diet. Dogs need to eat their normal, fiber-filled dog food daily so that their digestive systems continue to function properly.

How to Prepare Cantaloupe and Honeydew for Dogs

Cantaloupe melon slices on board
  • Remove the rind – The outer rind of cantaloupes or honeydew melons should be removed and not fed to dogs at all. The rind is too tough for them to chew adequately and it can cause them stomach issues.
  • Cut into small pieces – The fleshy inside of cantaloupe and honeydews should be chopped into bite-sized pieces. Dogs should be able to swallow the melon pieces easily without choking, just in case they get excited and forget to chew.
  • Serve fresh or frozen – Cantaloupe and honeydew pieces can be fed to dogs fresh or frozen. If you dog has teeth problems, avoid feeding frozen melon to it. Frozen cantaloupe and honeydew are great treat options during summer months for dogs that can chew it without issues.

Are Cantaloupe and Honeydew Seeds Safe for Dogs?

Cantaloupe and honeydew melons both contain seeds but that are harmless when it comes to dogs. The seeds inside the melons are non-toxic to dogs and it is okay if they eat a few.

Large amounts of melon seeds from cantaloupes and honeydew should not intentionally be fed to dogs, just because they may be a little harder to digest.

Why are Cantaloupe and Honeydew Rinds Unsafe for Dogs?

Melon rinds from cantaloupes and honeydew are not safe for dogs for a couple of reasons. They are too hard for them to chew completely which first and foremost makes the dog susceptible to choking.

Cantaloupe and melon rinds are also tough and fibrous, making them hard for dogs to digest completely. Pieces of melon rind can become trapped in dog’s digestive system causing dangerous and costly issues.

If your dog eats a cantaloupe or honeydew rind accidentally, monitor them closely for several days. If you notice any issues or if the dog becomes unable to use the bathroom, consult a veterinarian immediately.

Is Cantaloupe and Honeydew Unsafe for Some Dogs?

fresh cantaloupe melons

Cantaloupe and honeydew are considered unsafe for diabetic dogs because they contain sugar. Each of these melons contain around 13 grams per cup.

Dogs that suffer from diabetes or other insulin-related disorders should not be fed any cantaloupe or honeydew. Even small amounts of sugary treats, including natural ones like cantaloupe and honeydew, can cause dangerous insulin spikes in diabetic dogs.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Do not feed dogs the rind of cantaloupe or honeydew. Melon rinds should never be fed to dogs of any size or age.
  • Cut the cantaloupe and honeydew pieces up small enough to avoid choking hazards. Some dogs barely chew their food, especially when it comes to treats.
  • Do not feed cantaloupe or honeydew treats to diabetic dogs. No matter how much they beg, it is safer for dogs that suffer from insulin-related disorders to steer clear of melons.
  • Fed melon treats in moderation. Cantaloupe and honeydew should only be fed to dogs as treats in limited quantities to make sure they still eat their normal daily food.
  • Consult a veterinarian if your dog experiences adverse effects. Although unlikely, if your dog acts out of character after eating cantaloupe or honeydew, contact your vet as soon as possible for advice.

Final Thoughts

Dogs can eat cantaloupe and honeydew safely as treats because they are healthy, natural melons that are not only nutritious, but also low in calories.

Unfortunately, they do have sugar in them, so diabetic dogs need to steer clear from both kinds of melons.


Learning about how honeydew and cantaloupe affects dogs is an interesting journey. Here are the sources used in this article.