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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Tomatoes?

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Guinea pigs are herbivores whose main diet is hay and occasional fruits and vegetables.

Guinea pigs have delicate digestive systems that need high fiber feeds such as hay to maintain them in good shape and health. They also have specific dietary needs that are mostly catered for by hay.

However, this doesn’t mean that they do not need other feeds like vegetables and fruits.

So can guinea pigs eat tomatoes? Are they good or bad for them?

This article will give you all the information you need to know about guinea pigs and tomatoes.

Cute Red and White Guinea Pig in the hay

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Tomatoes?

Guinea pigs can eat tomatoes.

Tomatoes are highly nutritious and beneficial for your little pet. However, you need to cautiously feed tomatoes in small proportions, most preferably as an occasional treat.

Besides the fruit, you should never feed any other parts of the tomato to your little pet, as these parts, including leaves and stalks, could be toxic to your guinea pig.

Unripe tomatoes are discouraged too. They are poisonous to your guinea pig and can cause serious digestive issues.

Do Guinea Pigs Like Tomatoes?

Guinea pigs love crushing their teeth into the juicy red fruit. If you watch them eat the tomato, you might be tempted to offer them more than they should consume just to see them satisfy their appetite for the fruit.

However, remember that offering tomatoes in large quantities is not good for their little stomachs.

Some pet owners have, however, observed that their guinea pigs do not like tomatoes. This is normal and has nothing to do with the tomato, but is all about the guinea pig’s taste and preference.

Just like humans, guinea pigs can also choose what they want and what they don’t. In such situations, there are better options of more nutritious vegetables like kales, sweet bell peppers, parsley, lettuce, cucumber, and dandelion leaves.

Nutritional Value of Tomatoes

Tomatoes are nutrient-dense fruits rich in a variety of vital nutrients for a guinea pig’s optimal health.

However, the tomatoes will only be beneficial if fed in the right quantities, lest they inflict devastation upon your little friend.

In every 100 grams of tomato, there are vital nutrients including:

  • Potassium – 237 mg
  • Vitamin A – 42 mcg
  • Vitamin C – 13.7 mg
  • Vitamin K – 7.9 mcg
  • Calcium – 10 mg
  • Phosphorus – 24 mg
  • Fiber – 1.2 grams
  • Carbs – 3.9 grams
  • Proteins – 0.9 grams
  • Calories – 18 kcal 
  • Sugars – 2.63 grams
  • Fats – 0.2 grams
  • Water – 95%

Among other nutrients found in tomatoes are iron, magnesium, sodium, zinc, copper, vitamin B-6, vitamin E, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, alpha and beta carotenes, and lycopene.

All the above nutrients and minerals in tomatoes are beneficial to your guinea pig by helping them attain and maintain good health. Let’s expound on that below.

fresh tomatoes on wooden background

Health Benefits

1. Reduces Inflammation 

Body swelling and inflammation can result due to injuries or diseases. Inflammation can occur naturally due to free radicals and if not quickly mitigated, can develop to chronic levels, causing diseases like diabetes and cancer in your guinea pig.

Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants like vitamin C and lycopene that are crucial in combatting inflammation as well as taking part in body tissue repair.

2. Boosts Immunity

Tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C and other nutrients that help strengthen your guinea pig’s body immunity.

Vitamin C not only strengthens the white blood cells but is also responsible for the absorption of vital blood minerals like iron. If your guinea pig is vitamin C deficient, it is likely to get scurvy.

3. Boosts Cardiovascular Health

Tomatoes are rich in beta-carotene and lycopene. Both are phytonutrients related to maintaining good heart health. Your guinea pigs need them for maximum heart health and the prevention of future complications.

4. Skin Nourishment

Tomatoes are rich in nutrients like lycopene that are associated with skin nourishment, repair, and protection. These anti-aging properties help maintain your guinea pig in perfect shape.

Bunch of mix fresh red tomatoes in wooden crate

5. Strong Teeth and Bones

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin K and calcium, necessary nutrients for good bone and enamel development. Since they are quite fragile, guinea pigs benefit from tomatoes for strong bone development.

6. Elimination of Free Radicals

Natural body metabolisms can produce free radicals in the body that can at times cause illnesses or cell damage, which can become problematic to your guinea pig. Feeds like tomatoes are rich in antioxidants that see to the prevention of such extremes. 

7. Aid in Digestion

Tomatoes contain significant dietary fibers that aid in digestion and nutrient absorption in the gut.

Fiber is also responsible for maintaining a healthy gut for your guinea pigs and the prevention of gut complications like constipation.

8. Aid in Weight Loss

Tomatoes have low-calorie content as well as a significant amount of fiber, so the fruit is effective for weight loss for your guinea pig.

Are Tomatoes Safe for Guinea Pigs?

The safety of tomatoes for your guinea pig all depends on how you feed the tomatoes, and what parts of a tomato you are feeding your guinea pig.

Tomato plants contain a toxic alkaloid called solanine, which is especially concentrated in the stems, stalks, leaves, and even unripe tomatoes.

Therefore, you should never feed your guinea pig with these tomato parts, or seek immediate medical attention from your vet in case the guinea pig eats it by accident.

When feeding the fruit, on the other hand, always feed your guinea pig safe amounts of tomatoes to avoid the risks associated with overfeeding.

In case you overfeed with tomatoes, your guinea pig might show these symptoms:

  • Diarrhea
  • Drowsiness
  • Itching
  • General withdrawal
  • Vomiting

Such signs signal overfeeding, and the pet’s little complex tummy might be having a hard time digesting it. You need to seek veterinary advice as soon as possible to get your guinea pig’s health back.

Potential Risks of Feeding Tomatoes to Guinea Pigs

Although guinea pigs can eat tomatoes, not all guinea pigs respond the same to tomatoes. Some will utterly deny them as soon as you offer them, while others will eat them comfortably.

On the other hand, others will eat it and later develop complications like allergies. Here is a detailed view:

  • Some are allergic to tomatoes – Some guinea pigs might be hyper-allergic to tomatoes, and their mouths and throats might swell after a few bites of the fruit. If you notice such swelling, give your pet some water and completely cut off the tomato diet. If the symptoms persist, visit a vet as soon as possible.
  • Exposure to much sugar – Since not all tomatoes have the same natural sugar content, you should limit the feeding occasions to maybe once or twice a week to cut down the sugar intake.
  • Diarrhea – This can only mean that you give your guinea pig tomatoes in excess. Cut down the amount you feed it and watch the changes.
Fresh tomatoes on the tray. On rustic background.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Tomato Seeds?

Yes, ripe tomato seeds are good for your guinea pig.

The seeds harbor high amounts of antioxidants and nutrients, so you don’t need to get rid of them before offering the snack. Besides, they are too tiny and smooth to cause any chewing or digestion complications.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Tomato Plants?

No, your guinea pigs should never eat any part of a tomato plant.

Tomatoes belong to the nightshade family, and just like most nightshades, tomatoes naturally contain high levels of tomatine and solanine, highly toxic alkaloids that can easily poison your small pet.

You should never offer them any, nor have them in a position where they can access tomato plant material. It is therefore your responsibility to keep the tomato plant materials away from your innocent pet.

In case the guinea pig ingests it by accident, signs like dizziness, vomiting, and headache are common, and in extreme cases, death.

How Often Should Guinea Pigs Eat Tomatoes?

Tomatoes should only be offered to guinea pigs as occasional treats, therefore once or twice a week works best.

Remember that they are already getting their nutritional needs from their staple hay, so the tomatoes are just for the additional nutrients hay can’t offer. 

You should also watch out for the proportion you offer them. Cherry tomatoes can be offered as a whole, but when offering larger tomatoes, a slice or two is enough for one feeding session.


Tomatoes provide vital nutrients for a guinea pig, helping it maintain good health.

However, the tomatoes will only be beneficial if fed in regulated quantities to avoid upsetting the little pet’s delicate belly. You should also gradually introduce the tomato diet to help it slowly adapt to the feed.

Remember never to hesitate to consult a vet whenever you notice any strange development with your guinea pig after eating tomatoes.
