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Meats Your Guinea Pig Should Not Eat

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Guinea pigs enjoy eating a variety of food, that is no secret. The problem is that there are just some foods that guinea pigs should not eat and that includes specific meats.

There are several kinds of meats that are not safe or healthy for your guinea pigs to consume. It is important that guinea pig owners understand what meats their guinea pigs should not eat for any reason.  

15 Meats Your Guinea Pig Should Not Eat

  • Cow
  • Pig
  • Deer/Venison
  • Buffalo
  • Rabbit
  • Sheep or Lamb
  • Goat
  • Fish
  • Other Seafood
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Bird
  • Moose
  • Elk
  • Bear

Why Shouldn’t Guinea Pigs Eat Meat?

Guinea pigs should not eat any type of meat because they are herbivores.

This means that guinea pigs are unable to properly digest any kind of meat and consuming meat can be detrimental to their health.

Guinea pig owners should never give their guinea pig any meat, no matter how lean or healthy it may be for humans. It is not safe for guinea pigs to eat meat, even if they seem to enjoy eating it.

Will Eating Meat Cause Guinea Pigs Health Issues?

Eating meat will cause guinea pigs significant health issues in regard to their digestive systems. It may not be always be fatal, however, it can result in gastric upset for several days.

If a guinea pig eats meat, it will cause them to not eat their normal fibrous and vitamin-filled diet. This will cause even more digestive issues that are difficult to remedy.

Guinea pigs must consume foods that contain ample amounts of vitamin C on a regular basis. If a guinea pig eats meat instead of their normal diet, their bodies could suffer the effects of vitamin-C deficiency.

a small guinea pig

If a Guinea Pig Accidentally Eats Meat, Will It Make Them Sick?

A guinea pig that accidentally eats a small amount of meat will probably not get very sick, but it is possible. The more meat that a guinea pig accidentally eats, the more possible it is that it will get sick from it.

As long as your guinea pig did not eat a large amount of meat, they will likely not show any signs of distress. Make sure they have plenty of clean water at all times and healthy food options to keep their digestive system running smoothly.

If your guinea pig is showing signs of significant distress after accidentally eating meat, it is time to call the veterinarian for help. Constipation, rapid breathing, inability to move, and not eating are signs that your guinea pig may need medical assistance.

What If a Guinea Pig Eats Meat Regularly?

If a guinea pig regularly eats meat, it may appear okay, however, the meat will cause lasting and detrimental side effects. Guinea pigs that eat meat often will likely have shortener lifespans, gain weight, and develop heart issues.

Guinea pigs need fiber in their diets and eating meat will limit the amount of hay they consume. Their digestive systems require fiber in order to function properly.

Meat does not provide any benefit to guinea pigs so it should not be a part of their diet at all.

guinea pig eats food

How Much Meat Can a Guinea Pig Safely Eat Each Day?

Guinea pigs should not eat any amount of meat daily, or even occasionally. The truth is, it is not safe for a guinea pig to eat even a small amount of meat.

It is not safe for guinea pigs to eat meat in any amount because of how much it can negatively disrupt their digestive systems.

Food Items Guinea Pigs Can and Should Eat

There are lots of things that your guinea pig can eat besides meat. A well-balanced diet of hay, vegetables, fruit, and sometimes commercial guinea pig food is best for guinea pigs.

Specialty-Formulated Guinea Pig Food

Guinea pig owners can supplement their pet’s daily diet with some commercially formulated guinea pig food.

Timothy Hay

A guinea pig’s diet should consist mostly of high-quality hay. It provides much of the fiber that is essential to their digestion.

Timothy hay is the best option as a main hay source for guinea pigs. Caretakers can feed their guinea pigs alfalfa hay in small quantities, but timothy hay should remain the bulk of the hay portion of their diets.  



Vegetables are the second most important part of a guinea pig’s daily diet, after hay. Vegetables contain vitamin C, a vitamin that guinea pigs need to consume daily. 

The following is a list of vegetables that are safe for guinea pigs to eat.

  • Spinach
  • Zucchini
  • Cabbage
  • Cucumber
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Carrot
  • Lettuce
  • Bell Pepper
  • Celery
  • Corn
  • Pumpkin
  • Radish
Blueberry with leaves


Fruits are a great source of antioxidants and vitamins for guinea pigs. Moderation is key when it comes to feeding fruit to a guinea pig.

These are several fruit options that are safe for guinea pigs to eat in limited quantities.

  • Strawberries
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Mango
  • Oranges
  • Pineapple


Guinea pigs should not eat meat at all, no matter how much they act like they like it.

Guinea pigs trust their owners to provide the healthiest foods so they can live with us as long as possible. There are so many healthier food options to feed your guinea pig other than meat.


Learning about guinea pigs and their inability to consume meat was an interesting journey. Here are the sources used in this article.