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Can Cats Eat Parsley?

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If you have a garden, you’ve probably already noticed cats love exploring it. Whether they are trying to catch some smaller animals or are simply sniffing around your plants, they’re curious by nature, which means there will always be something new for them to look for.

However, the question is—are there certain plants they shouldn’t consume? Today, we’ll specifically keep our focus on parsley and see whether it’s harmful for your pet to eat it or not. Let’s get going then!

Orange cat eating fresh green basil and fresh parsley

What Are The Health Benefits of Parsley?

Parsley is an aromatic herb with a unique taste and aroma. It’s widely used for culinary purposes because it works well with many dishes, whether you use it fresh or dried.

We are talking about a plant that’s highly beneficial for our health; it’s rich in folate, important vitamins (A, C, and K), potassium, and can positively affect our eye and bone health.

Parsley is also packed with antioxidants, substances in charge of protecting cells from damage and keeping our body in better condition.

Due to its rich nutritive value, people tend to use parsley as a medicinal plant. It boosts digestion as well as treats health issues such as anemia and kidney ailments.

So, it’s doubtful humans have benefits of using parsley, but would it be good for cats to have some of it?

Is It Safe For Cats To Eat Parsley?

Yes, it is safe for cats to consume parsley. However, that doesn’t mean it’s necessary to add it to their diet. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) says parsley is not really recommended for horses, dogs, or cats.

Certain studies have shown it’s possible for parsley to cause certain health issues, especially in larger amounts. In this way, cats may suffer from photosensitization effects. That’s a condition where the skin becomes too sensitive to sunlight.

With photosensitization, some molecules in the skin get energized by light. After they return to the state where they are less energized, the energy releases and causes a chemical reaction in the animal’s skin. It’s similar to actual sunburn, but it’s not the same.

However, if you want to add parsley to your cat’s diet, moderate amounts should be fine. Cats are carnivores, so they’re probably not going to consume it in bigger amounts anyway.

If it eats a bit of parsley here and there, it doesn’t mean it will necessarily experience issues with skin or some other health problems. So, parsley is not toxic, but try to avoid giving your pet bigger amounts of it.

Ginger cat smelling aloe vera plant in a pot at home

Do Cats Usually Eat Plants?

Maybe you weren’t even about to serve your cat some parsley, but you’ve noticed it’s attracted to the fresh one, growing in your garden. Don’t worry, as we’ve already mentioned, they are carnivores, and therefore, not interested in plants that much.

Greens are not their natural choice when it comes to treats they prefer, but they do like to consume some of those from time to time. As a matter of fact, they mostly nibble on plants when they want to induce vomiting. That way, they are expelling fur balls out of their system.

Another reason they tend to go for the grass or other plants is when they need natural floss. Also, they can sometimes nibble through the grass and plants if they’re experiencing some stomach discomfort.

Kitties like to spend time exploring around and, by nature, they are very curious. If you catch them eating parsley or some other plants you have in your garden, you don’t have to worry because they probably have a good reason to do that.

What is Parsley Water?

If you want to feed your kitties with parsley anyway, the best and the most neutral way to do it is by adding it to water.

It can actually serve as a natural de-wormer for your pet, and, therefore, get rid of tapeworms and roundworms that make the animal ill and quite uncomfortable.

This is a common problem 45% of cats experience, and the symptoms are coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, dull coat, and a potbellied appearance.

Parsley water can also prevent kidney stones and help with urinary tract ailments.

There’s no need to serve parsley water for your cat for long periods of time. Also, remember being moderate is the key to everything, especially additions that are not a natural part of their regular diet.

How can you prepare parsley water? Boil one cup of water, and pour it into a container with a few pinches of parsley.

Wait until the mixture cools to room temperature, after which you can drain off the water. Put it in your fridge to keep it fresh.

Keep in mind, parsley water is not a really good choice for a pregnant or nursing cat.

Be Careful With Herbs

Green fresh parsley in wooden bowl on the wooden table

Whether it’s parsley or some other herb addition you’d like to implement to your cat’s diet, make sure to consult your vet first. The vet will check your cat’s health condition, after which it will get more clear if your cat needs any supplements at all.

Parsley may even attract cats because of its specific taste. If they munch on it every once in a while, that’s normal. Still, if your cat eats vegetation in bigger amounts, maybe they are instinctively trying to get rid of the worms.

So, if you notice that, consider taking your kitty to a vet since it may be an indication it’s suffering from certain issues.

Some Final Words

Cats are natural hunters and have a rather simple diet. However, if you want to add some herbs to their meals, you don’t have to worry it will have a negative impact on their overall health. Your kitty is fine as long as you keep it all moderate.

So, are there any other herbs you like to give to your beloved pet?
