If you have pet parrots, feeding the bird balanced meals is just one of the important steps to ensure the birds are living a healthy life. Like most birds, they need a good amount of nutrition from different sources of food.
One thing to note is that parrots are considered omnivores. You can’t feed them every day with the same type of bird pellets. Their diet should contain different kinds of foods like seeds, nuts, flowers, grasses, as well as fruits.
But not all fruits are safe for parrots to eat. In this article, we will explore 21 fruits that parrots love to eat.
Table of Contents
1. Bananas

These tropical fruits are one of parrots’ favorite fruits. They are safe and healthy fruits that provide sodium, fat, and contain less cholesterol than other fruits. Bananas can be fed directly to large parrots because they love to peel the skin off themselves.
To be safe, be sure to sure wash the fruits or choose bananas that are free from pesticides. You can also cut the bananas and mix them with pellets to make meals more enjoyable for your parrots.
2. Strawberries

Parrots love strawberries. They are small, easy to eat and provide a lot of nutrition for their growth. Strawberries contain a great amount of vitamin C and their seeds are totally safe for parrots to eat.
Before feeding parrots these fruits, make sure to wash them thoroughly to remove any trace of pesticides and wax on the skins.
The wax that some sellers use to make strawberries look shiny contains chemical compounds that could affect parrot’s health over the long term.
3. Grapes

Grapes are one of the nutritious fruits that parrots love. They are safe and totally edible. One to remember is that these fruits should be given to parrots in moderation due to the high concentration of fructose in them.
However, they also contain a great amount of sugar that can serve as a source of energy for the birds. Wash the grapes to remove any pesticides or chemical preservatives before feeding them to your pets
4. Oranges

Oranges are a great source of vitamins A, B, and C. They also provide an ample amount of fiber and sodium. Parrots love to eat oranges and these fruits are totally safe for them.
If you are thinking of including these citrus fruits in their diet, it is advisable to feed them in moderation due to the acidic nature of oranges.
Before feeding your parrots orange, peel the skin off and cut the oranges into thin slices. Then, dilute the sliced oranges with some water to lower the amount of citrus in them.
5. Papayas

Papayas are juicy fruits that contain a high level of vitamin C and low in calories. Parrots can eat papaya and they love to peck or munch on these soft fruits. Papayas contain potassium which serves as an energy booster and helps regulate muscle movement and nerve functions in birds.
Besides the flesh, the seeds of papayas can be fed to parrots because they offer other nutrients like carbohydrates, vitamins, and fiber.
Before feeding these fruits to parrots, wash them thoroughly or better, peel the skin off to remove any traces of pesticides and chemical preservatives.
6. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are one of the fruits that parrots love. However, these fruits should only be fed to them in moderation. This is because tomatoes contain a high concentration of acid, especially fresh and raw tomatoes.
Avoid feeding your parrots the stem and leaves of tomato plants because they are highly poisonous.
The best way to feed tomatoes to parrots is by cooking the tomatoes or soaking them in hot water to lower the acidity level. You can also feed parrots dried tomatoes because most of the acid turns to sulfur during the drying process.
7. Kiwi Fruits

Kiwi fruits are definitely safe and edible for parrots. These fruits offer a great number of nutrients like vitamin A, E, K, magnesium, potassium, calcium, antioxidants, and fiber.
Kiwis should be fed to parrots in moderation. This is because of quinic, malic, and citric acids in these fruits that could cause stomach ulcers in the parrot’s digestive system. Parrots can also eat kiwi seeds.
They contain omega-3 fats that help in regulating brain and heart function. Like other fruits, you should wash kiwis thoroughly to remove pesticides or any dirt trapped on the hair of the skin. Then, peel the skin off before feeding the flesh to parrots.
In some cases, parrots love to eat kiwi skins and this is totally fine, as long as the fruits are clean and free from any chemical traces.
8. Apples

Apples are one of the fruits that parrots love. This is because of their crunchy texture and the concentration of sugar that makes them sweet.
Parrots can eat apples but these fruits should be fed to them in moderation. Be sure to peel the skin off and wash the fruits thoroughly.
Then, slice the fruits into smaller chunks to make it easier for them to eat. One thing to remember is that you should remove the seeds of apples because they contain traces of cyanide that is poisonous to the birds.
9. Watermelons

Watermelons are one of the juiciest fruits that can be fed to parrots. These watery fruits contain simple sugars like glucose, fructose, and sucrose that serve as an energy booster for parrots. Watermelons also contain fiber and carbs.
Parrots can eat watermelons but only in moderation due to the high concentration of sugar.
If you are feeding your pet parrots watermelons, you don’t have to remove the seeds because they are safe for the birds to eat. However, you have to remove the skin because most watermelons have a waxy coating that is toxic for birds.
10. Pineapples

Pineapples are one of the healthiest fruits that parrots love to eat. They offer different nutrients that don’t come in other fruits like vitamin C, manganese, and vitamin B6. Feeding these fruits to your pet parrots can provide them with energy and boost their immune system.
As always, anything should be taken in moderation.
You definitely should peel the skin off because pineapple’s skin is hard and rough. Leaving the skin for your parrots to peck on could hurt their beak.
Then, slice the flesh thinly to make it easier for the birds to eat. You can also feed parrots dried pineapples that are sulfur-free.
11. Cherries

Parrots can safely eat cherries. These fruits offer many nutrients like vitamin A, C, iron, calcium, and protein.
You don’t have to remove the skin of these fruits as long as you wash them clean. However, you have to remove the pits because they contain traces of cyanide that are harmful to parrots.
When parrots eat cherries, the color of their poops might look different due to the natural coloring of these fruits. Don’t be alarmed and think that your pets are in need of a medical check-up.
You can also be creative and mix cherries with other smaller fruits like blueberries.
12. Blueberries

Blueberries are one of the nutritious and healthiest fruits that contain vitamin A, B6, C, K, potassium, iron, fiber, copper, and magnesium. They also offer antioxidants that help protect the parrot’s body from inflammation and radical cells. Parrots can safely eat these fruits in moderation.
Try not to feed them too many blueberries because the high amount of antioxidants could create an imbalance of the immune system and the absorption of other nutrients.
Blueberries also contain natural coloring on their flesh. So, don’t be alarmed when you see changes in their poop color.
Last but not least, wash these fruits thoroughly to remove any pesticides on the skin.
13. Coconuts

Coconuts are one of the tropical fruits that are safe for parrots to eat. They offer different kinds of nutrients like magnesium, iron, manganese, selenium, and other healthy vitamins.
However, they also contain a high concentration of fats and calories. So, be sure to feed parrots coconuts in moderation.
Although a parrot’s beak is strong, they definitely can’t crack into the thick shell of coconuts. Unpeel and cut these fruits into smaller chunks before feeding them to the birds.
14. Blackberries

Blackberries are rich in nutrients like vitamin A, C, K, B6, manganese, potassium, magnesium, fiber, and antioxidants.
Parrots love blackberries and these fruits are totally safe for them. Feeding blackberries to your pet birds can strengthen their immune system, improve their vision, regulate blood flow, and reduce radical cells that could cause inflammation.
Blackberries are also low in calories. Like other berries, parrot poop could change color after eating these fruits and it is totally not a cause for concern.
Don’t forget to wash the fruits thoroughly to remove any pesticides before feeding the birds.
15. Pomegranates

Pomegranates are one of the nutritious fruits with round, reddish-brown color that grow on shrub-like trees.
These fruits offer many nutrients like vitamin A, C, E, K, fiber, folate, potassium, and antioxidants. Parrots can safely eat these juicy and sweet fruits in moderation.
Pomegranates should be a part of their balanced diet, not their primary meals. These fruits can offer many health benefits to the birds like reducing inflammations, improving digestion, blood circulation, and promoting the growth of healthy cells.
Before feeding these fruits to your pet birds, be sure to wash them clean to remove any traces of pesticides. You don’t have to remove the seeds because they are totally safe for the birds.
16. Guavas

Guavas are juicy tropical fruits that are rich in water and fiber. They also contain other nutrients like vitamin A, C, carbohydrates, potassium, sugar, and folic acid.
These fruits are safe for parrots to eat. In fact, they love the sweet flesh of guavas. Some parrots might not interested to eat guavas’ skin.
So, you can peel them off and cut these fruits into smaller chunks before feeding them to your pet birds. Adult parrots can safely eat guava seeds.
However, if you are nursing or raising younger parrots, it is better to remove the seeds because they might have trouble swallowing them.
17. Mangoes

Mangoes are safe for parrots to eat. They also love to chew on these juicy sweet fruits.
Mangoes contain many nutrients that are beneficial to parrots. For instance, vitamin C in mangoes helps to boost their immune system.
Then, vitamin A and antioxidants help to retain the color of the parrot’s feather and acts as anti-inflammatory agents. Mangoes are also low in calories.
So, you don’t have to worry about the build-up of fats in their bodies. Also, be sure to remove the skin because it contains urushiol, which is a chemical organic compound that could cause allergy and swelling of the skin in parrots.
18. Dragon Fruits

Dragon fruits can be fed to parrots. They are totally safe and edible for these birds.
These fruits are rich in nutrients like vitamin C, E, magnesium, iron, fiber, and organic plant compounds like carotenoids, polyphenol, and betacyanins.
Dragon fruits are also rich in antioxidants like betalains that help in preventing cell damage and inflammation.
You should monitor how your parrots react when eating dragon fruits because some birds might experience some allergies when eating this fruit.
19. Mangosteens

Mangosteens are another juicy tropical fruit that animals love. And parrots certainly love the sweet white flesh of these fruits. Mangosteens offer many nutrients like vitamin C, B1, B2, B9, manganese, magnesium, and carbohydrates.
They also have a certain type of antioxidant called xanthones that act as anti-aging, anti-diabetic, and anti-inflammatory agents.
Parrots can’t eat mangosteen skin because they contain wax-like liquid that could poison them. The seeds of mangosteen are too big for parrots to swallow. If you intend on feeding your pet birds mangosteen, you have to be next to them and watch how they eat them.
20. Lychees

Lychees are a fruit that is native to Southern China. The flesh of these fruits is safe for parrots to eat.
Lychees contain vitamin B, C, iron, magnesium, and folic acid. All of these nutrients offer many benefits to parrots’ health like regulating their metabolic processes, boosting their immune system, as well as improving their brain and heart function.
When feeding lychees to parrots, be sure to remove the stone in the middle of these fruits. Lychee stone isn’t edible for humans, animals, or birds.
21. Cranberries

Cranberries are safe for parrots. These fruits can be used as healthy treats for the birds because they are rich in nutrients like vitamin C, E, vitamin K1, copper, and other minerals. Cranberries also contain antioxidants that could strengthen parrots’ immune systems to fight off any infection and inflammation.
You can feed cranberries to parrots in moderation. This is because the fruits are slightly sour and could trigger digestive problems if eaten in a large amounts.
Wash the fruits thoroughly to remove pesticide residues before feeding them to your pet birds.
Final Thoughts
Fruits are an excellent supplement to your parrot’s diet that can provide parrots with many vitamins and minerals.
If you are feeling creative, you can mix any of the fruits listed above into one single paste or mix them with bird pellets before feeding them to your pets.
Be sure to monitor the amount you feed them to prevent overconsumption and eating habits that could lead to further health issues.
- https://www.herebird.com/what-do-parrots-eat/
- https://parrotfunhouse.com/blogs/parronting-essentials-blog/list-of-safe-fruits-for-parrots
- https://www.thesprucepets.com/safe-fruits-for-birds-390622
- https://www.parrotwebsite.com/can-parrots-eat-papaya/
- https://www.allaboutparrots.com/can-parrots-eat-kiwi/
- https://animalhype.com/birds/can-parrots-eat-apples/
- https://beakcraze.com/can-parrots-eat-blueberries/
- https://www.allaboutparrots.com/can-parrots-eat-coconut/
- https://www.parrotwebsite.com/can-parrots-eat-blackberries/
- https://petschoolclassroom.com/can-parrots-eat-pomegranate/
- https://www.parrotwebsite.com/can-parrots-eat-guava/
- https://petcarebase.com/can-parrots-eat-mango/
- https://www.parrotwebsite.com/can-parrots-eat-dragon-fruit/
- https://www.parrotwebsite.com/can-parrots-eat-lychee/
- https://crittercleanout.com/can-birds-eat-cranberries/